Heartworms in Spokane? Don't Panic!
On July 1st 2006 the Spokesman Review published an article concerning three heartworm cases that had been diagnosed in the valley. This has caused many clients concern as to whether or not our Washington dogs are at risk for heartworm disease. In response to this concern the WSVMA and specialists at the WSU College of Veterinary Medicine have issued a statement. According to these specialists the likelihood of heartworm infection in Washington is still extremely low. As a result, we are not changing our previous recommendations, this means we are still not requiring testing or preventative medications for pets who will stay within the state. If you will be traveling with your pet, ask your veterinarian if their recommendation is different for your particular case. If you are still concerned you can have your pet tested and we can provide you with preventative meds. If you have further questions about heartworms please call and schedule an appointment so that you can discuss your concerns with the doctor.
What are Heartworms?
Heartworms are very tiny worms that are transmitted by a particular species of mosquito. They usually enter the bloodstream and set up home in the right atrium of the heart. Untreated infections usually lead to heart failure and pulmonary hypertension. Both dogs and cats can become infected with heartworms, however infections in cats are not as common. Heartworms are spread easily in some areas of the country. However, heartworm is not endemic (meaning the risk of transmission is very low) in Washington state.
Click HERE to see the latest Heartworm incidence map