Wandermere Animal Hospital
12519 N. Division St. Suite 1Spokane, WA 99218(509)464-1414
The Truth About On-Line Pharmacies
"Some of the Internet sites that sell pet drugs represent legitimate, reputable pharmacies", says Martine Hartogensis, D.V.M., deputy director of the Office of Surveillance and Compliance in FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM). "But others are fronts for unscrupulous businesses operating against the law."
To find out more about On-Line pharmacies and how to chose a reputable one read the article put out by the FDA by clicking on the image to the right.
To order from our secure and guaranteed on-line pharmacy click on the link below

People may be surprised to find that most drug companies will not sell to anyone other than the veterinarian. This means that in order to get their stock of drugs numerous on-line pharmacies and retail shops must employ product diversion. Product diversion essentially means that they used a 3rd party to purchase the medications, and drugs received by diversion tactics are often not guaranteed by the original drug company. In essence this means that if your pet has a reaction or problem with the medication the drug company is not liable or responsible for helping with the pets treatment. To read a letter composed to pet owners from Pfizer (a major veterinary drug company), click on the envelope below.
