Welcome to our Pet Of The Month Page!!
Pet of the month is a special pet that we choose each month to feature on our website and facebook page. The pet will in some way have pulled at our heart strings either by life story, look, need or personality.

"Annabelle" December 2019
"Jackson" November 2019
My name is Jackson and I am a Shima. I was born on Valentine's Day 2/14/2018 and that is why my mommy and daddy say that I am so sweet. My mommy and daddy only wanted a little girl so when they came to get a new puppy they looked at five little girls. Well, I stood on my hind legs about five feet away and I screamed and screamed and screamed. The lady that was selling us said "I have never seen a puppy act like that. She put me on my daddy's lap and well...the rest is history. A few weeks ago I got really really really sick and I almost died but thank goodness for Dr. McCorkle. She worked really hard to make me better and I am perfect now. My mommy says that I am tiny but mighty!!! Thank you so much Dr. McCorkle! My mommy cried for days but now she is so happy and so is my daddy. Thank you so much Wandermere Animal Hospital!!

"Oscar" and "Hunter" October 2019
We are Oscar and Hunter. We were born on April 13, 2018 and were adopted by our family when we were seven weeks old.
We are both full of energy and find new toys everywhere! Water is one of our favorite things. Our mom bought us a cool water fountain – we love splashing all of the water out of the fountain and flooding the bathroom. Thanks mom!
We will try to climb anything – even the walls. We have an indoor climbing tree that’s great fun, especially when we hang upside down.
Just to keep our parents entertained, we learned how to close the bathroom door (with us inside) and then opened a cupboard drawer so the bathroom door won’t open. It was fun watching mom and dad remove the doorknob in an effort to open the door.
We are very curious and like to investigate everything. Our secret hiding place is inside the couch. We go under the couch, climb through a hole we created in the bottom of the couch, and then sleep inside the couch. This really freaks out mom and dad when they can’t find us!
We can’t be in Mom’s office when she is working because we get into too much trouble. So, we just hang out by her office door and throw mice and other cat toys at the door. Eventually, she comes out to see what we are up to and sometimes, if we are good, we get some cat treats! Yum!
It’s really fun when the teenage humans in the house play with us. Their hair tastes so good and we love to play with their toes! It gets loud when they scream because we tickle their toes, and it’s fun to watch them squirm and giggle.
We are grateful for our forever home and the wonderful care we get at Wandermere Animal Hospital! Although we weren’t too excited about getting our annual shots (especially Hunter), we enjoyed exploring the exam room and jumping from counter to table to floor to chair to counter. We just don’t sit still!
Now it’s time for our next adventure….the chase is on!

"Valkyrie" September 2019
Valkyrie is an almost-6 month old mastiff mix puppy. She loves to play and snuggle despite the cast on her hind leg. She was rescued in August and came to her new family in need of new bandages, lots of food, and tons of love. She’s fitting right in with her two human sisters, and loves her bull mastiff and pit bull brothers, goat cousins, and feline friends as well. She’s well on her way to growing into her goofy, giant, lovable personality!
Thanks so much for all your kindness and wonderful treatment of our girl!

"Flower" August 2019
My name is Flower. I was born on April 30, 2019, in Newport, Washington. I am one of a litter of nine. My mom is a border collie and my dad is a traveling salesman.
Since I'm so new to the world I find that each day brings new adventures. Some of my favorite hobbies so far are gardening, excavating and rearranging shoes.
I'm doing my best to learn new things and I'm studying very hard. I'm learning to sit, walk on a leash and house training. I find that house training is my hardest subject. I don't quite understand this subject especially since I'm the only one in the family that is expected to "go" outside.
When I'm really, really, really tired, I love to cuddle. All other times, I show my love with my teeth.
I love my new family and can't wait until we can go camping, swimming, hiking and playing with other dogs. I know that with Dr. Moore and her great staff's care, we will all have a long, happy, loving life together.

"Stormy" June 2019
Hello everyone. I’m Aurora vom Natohaus; aka, Storming Norma; aka, Ming the Merciless; aka, Ja Ja Ming. But everyone calls me Stormy for short. Seems that when I first showed up as a young pup I took over my new brother’s (a very nice older German Shepard) bed, hogged his toys, and pushed him out of his own food bowl! Seemed reasonable to me, after all I’m a Deutsch Drahthaar, and we do tend to have a bit of attitude. And, I am after all the Queen of the house. But it seems that was the genesis of my more descriptive names. Now, at eight, I’m told I’ve mellowed considerably and am happy to relax in the sun when not out hunting. And when the snow flies I really prefer to lay by the fireplace.
Being a Deutsch Drahthaar I live to get out in the field looking for birds. I’ve passed my field breed tests with flying colors to show I’m a natural at hunting, even being the only dog in the field to pass the last test I entered. Love to get out with my people to run in the wild; it’s great fun to point upland birds like pheasant and chukar, and I even enjoy a good swim after ducks though really cold water is a bit much. I’ll also track deer if allowed. Chasing balls seems a bit boring but I do like retrieving stuffed bumpers in the off season, especially if they have a little bird scent on them. But my favorite game is playing hide and seek under a blanket.
I’ve always enjoyed attention by humans. They seem to like my curly hair, bushy eyebrows, and lovely beard; all typical traits for my breed. I especially like a good belly rub, or chest scratch after a day in the field. A trip to Home Depot or North 40 is always great fun, and I’m very well behaved with the crowds. Though there was that time I kept barking at the silhouette of some football player I’d never heard of at North 40. Turned out to be a cutout of Russell Wilson, but hey, he looked threatening to me at the time until my people said he was their favorite quarterback.

"Tibby" May 2019
My name is Tibby, which means "beautiful" because my mom wants everyone to know she thinks I am. I will turn 3 years old on July 27th.
I was only 2 months old when Mom heard me on blast from way across the pet store, from my Humane Society kennel, desperate for somebody's attention! A tiny kitten with the biggest voice! I was by myself, and when Mom came over, I looked straight in her eyes, flopped on my back, purred, and put soft paws through the kennel to knead her fingers. I knew right away I'd gotten her!
When I was little I had a BIG voice, and used it a LOT! like a Siamese cat baby.
I've quieted down since then, and now, the sound you're likely to hear out of me most is a heart-melting "tribble purr," like I've got a squeaky wheel inside.
As I grew, I got the nickname "Noodle" because I just kept growing longer and more lanky. I started to sleep stretched out, back & front legs splayed straight ahead & behind, making me look even noodlier! I still do it, too.
I love to give kisses. Hands, face...that's my standard greeting, most of the time. I am the kissiest kitty my mom and Grammy have ever met. When I had to say goodbye to my Uncle Louey (cat, 18), I even gave Dr. Moore a kiss on the hand before she helped Uncle Louey say goodbye and rest.
I am a very curious girl and want to be where I can watch my family do whatever it is that they're doing throughout their day. I'm so sad when I'm not allowed to get up in whatever business they're at and check things out & see how it's done.
When the weather's nice, Mom and I go out to the park together and watch birds and squirrels and smell pretty flowers, and I look up at the tall pine trees and make intimidated kitty "Ooooh" noises because they're really, really high! and I'd like to go up there, but honestly I'm a bit scared!
Well, that's the highlights!
Thank you Wandermere Animal Hospital for being my docs and for the honor of getting to be Pet of the Month!
"Chloe" April 2019

"Wally" March 2019
I inherited Wally from my son in April 2011. He’s so unique in so many ways!